Winter Greetings (2009-01-07)

Archbishop † SERAPHIM: 2008-2009 Winter Greetings
On the Nativity of Christ, and
the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan
January 2009

Dear Brothers, and Sisters
Dear Clergy, and Faithful of the Archdiocese of Canada

I am taking this opportunity to greet all of you, and all others who may read these greetings, during this 2008-2009 Winter. I greet you with the joy of the Nativity of Christ, and of the Baptism of Christ in the Jordan.

The LORD shows His all-embracing love to us. In His only-begotten Son, He makes visible the fact that “God is with us”. His taking upon Himself all of our fallen human condition is a testimony of the magnitude of this love, and the depth of His humility.

May the LORD give us the Grace of the Holy Spirit, so that we may accept His embrace, and allow Him to heal our broken hearts, and lives. May the LORD so shine the light of His Love in our hearts that we may radiate this joy.

May our LORD, God, and Saviour, Jesus Christ, born in the flesh, and baptised in the Jordan for our salvation, protect us, and save us all.

With love in Christ,
the unworthy
Archbishop of Ottawa, and of Canada