A Project to Honour Military Service Personnel Present, and Past (2010-02-03)

His Eminence Archbishop SERAPHIM's Appeal:
A Project to Honour Military Service Personnel Present, and Past

When I was recently at a meeting in Washington, DC, I was asked by Mr Robert Burgener, a retired officer of the U.S. Army, and active parishioner of the Cathedral there, to support his project of honouring all Orthodox veterans who have served, or are serving in the Armed Forces. This record would be an electronic one. He is including Canada in his project, I have seen an example of what is being done, and I see no reason not to participate in his well-intentioned project. Mr Burgener has worked at some time in Canada.

Metropolitan JONAH has blessed this project, which is focussed on the Cathedral of St Nicholas in Washington (this cathedral being originally constructed as a memorial to those who served in the military). There is no solicitation for funds involved, and there will not be.

You may visit the website www.stnicholasdcfestival.org/page.cfm/veterans directly, or through the church website at www.stnicholasdc.org and go to the link for special events, 2009 festival to see what has been done so far.

Perhaps you have a current, or past military service. Perhaps you know someone who does. I am making this information available, should you wish to participate.

With love in Christ, I remain yours,

The Archbishop of Ottawa, and of Canada

The unworthy



St. Nicholas Cathedral is the War Memorial Shrine of the Orthodox Church in America. This page, which will be updated weekly, includes the names of veterans from the Orthodox parishes throughout the United States and Canada.

To have your veteran's name included, please send their name, rank, branch of service, and period served such as 1941-1952, along with where they served to veterans@stnicholasdc.org. Include a digital photo (jpeg format) if you like.