Reader Tikhon Bishop was ordained to be a Subdeacon at the Church of Saint Herman of Alaska in Langley, British Columbia.
Altar-server Jonah Nimijean of the Church of Saint-Benoît de Nursie in Montréal, Québec, was blessed to wear the Orar of a Subdeacon.
Altar-server Elijah Nimijean of the Church of Saint-Benoît de Nursie in Montréal, Québec, was blessed to wear the Orar of a Subdeacon.
Altar-server Luke Mitchell of the Church of Saint-Benoît de Nursie in Montréal, Québec, was blessed to wear the Orar of a Subdeacon.
Altar-server John Mitchell of the Church of Saint-Benoît de Nursie in Montréal, Québec, was blessed to wear the Orar of a Subdeacon.
At the Divine Liturgy at the Church of Saint-Benoît de Nursie in Montréal, Québec, Deacon Dragos Giulea was ordained to the Holy Priesthood.
Priest Dragos Giulea was attached at the Church of Saint-Benoît de Nursie in Montréal, Québec, as Supply Priest of the Québec and Maritimes Deanery.
Altar-server Peter Griggs of the Cathedral of the Annunciation in Ottawa, Ontario, was blessed to wear the Orar of a Subdeacon.
Priest Mark Korban was released from his attachment as Priest at the Church of the Sign of the Theotokos in Montréal, Québec.
Priest Mark Korban was released from the Archdiocese of Canada to the omophor of Archbishop Nikon (Liolin) of Boston, New England and the Albanian Archdiocese.
Igumen Luke (Majoros) was attached as a Supply Priest of the Deanery of Ontario at the Chapel of Saint Silouan the Athonite in Johnstown, Ontario.
Igumen David (Edwards) was attached as a Supply Priest of the Deanery of Ontario at the Chapel of Saint Silouan the Athonite in Johnstown, Ontario.
Mitred Archpriest Anatoliy Melnyk was assigned to be Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Canada.
At the Divine Liturgy at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Smoky Lake, Alberta, Deacon Daniel Friesen was ordained to the Holy Priesthood.
Priest Daniel Friesen was attached as a Supply Priest at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Smoky Lake, Alberta, of the Deanery of Alberta and the Northwest Territories.
Priest Daniel Friesen was blessed to wear the Nabedrennik.
At the Divine Liturgy at the Church of the Holy Martyr Peter the Aleut in Calgary, Alberta, Deacon Andrew Applegate was ordained to the Holy Priesthood.
Priest Andrew Applegate was attached at the Church of the Holy Martyr Peter the Aleut in Calgary, Alberta, as a Supply Priest of the Deanery of Alberta and the Northwest Territories.
At the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Annunciation in Ottawa, Ontario, Deacon Nikolay Melnik was ordained to the Holy Priesthood.
Priest Nikolay Melnik was attached at the Cathedral of the Annunciation in Ottawa, Ontario, as a Supply Priest of the Deanery of Ontario, and of the Deanery of Québec and the Maritime Provinces.
Deacon Alexandru Moisa was blessed to wear the Diaconal Double Orar.
By decision of the Holy Synod of Bishops, Igumen Nestor (Mikhailetchko) was permanently deposed from all functions of the Holy Priesthood.
At the Divine Liturgy at the Church of Saint Vladimir, Prince of Kiev, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Deacon John Palmer was ordained to the Holy Priesthood.
Priest John Palmer was released from his assignment as attached at the Church of Saint Seraphim of Sarov in Rawdon, Québec.
Priest John Palmer was attached at the Church of Saint Vladimir, Prince of Kiev in Halifax, Nova Scotia, as a Supply Priest of the Deanery of Québec and the Maritime Provinces.
Archpriest Andrew Piasta was granted an extension to a Leave-of-absence until 31 December, 2013.
Hieromonk Vladimir (Lysak)’s appointment to be the Priest-in-charge of the Mission of Saint Andrew the First-called Apostle in Canora, Saskatchewan, was extended to the end of December, 2013.
Deacon Leonard Herrem was blessed to wear the Diaconal Double Orar.
Deacon Gregory Wright was blessed to wear the Diaconal Double Orar.
Priest Roman Pavlov was blessed to wear the Purple Kamilavka.
Priest Michael Schaplowsky was blessed to wear the Purple Kamilavka.
Priest Juan Pablo Ruiz-Gomar was blessed to wear the Gold Cross.
Priest Gregory Scratch was blessed to wear the Gold Cross.
Priest Nectaire Féménias was elevated to the dignity of archpriest.
Igumen Vladimir (Tobin) was blessed to wear the Palitsa.
Igumen Luke (Majoros) was blessed to wear the Jewelled Cross.
Igumen Marc (Pierre) was elevated to the dignity of archimandrite.
Altar-server Gerald Bartel was tonsured to be a Reader at the Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Sobor in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Reader Gerald Bartel was ordained to be a Subdeacon at the Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Sobor in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on 12 May, 2013.
At the Divine Liturgy at the Sobor of the Holy Resurrection in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Deacon Leonard Herrem was ordained to the Holy Priesthood.
Priest Leonard Herrem was released from his assignment as attached at the Sobor of the Holy Resurrection in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
The Church of All Saints in Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan, was returned to the pastoral care of the Deanery of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Nunavut.
The Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Saint Walburg, Saskatchewan, was returned to the pastoral care of the Deanery of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Nunavut.
Priest Leonard Herrem was assigned to be Priest-in-charge of the Church of All Saints in Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan, and of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Saint Walburg, Saskatchewan.
Priest Leonard Herrem was blessed to wear the Nabedrennik.
Priest Vincent Lehr was released from his duties as Priest-in-charge of the Church of All Saints in Meadow Lake, Saskatchewan.
Priest Vincent Lehr was released from his duties as Priest-in-charge of the Church of Saints Peter and Paul in Saint Walburg, Saskatchewan.
Priest Vincent Lehr’s appointment as Priest-in-charge of the Sobor of Saint Herman of Alaska in Edmonton, Alberta, was extended for a period of six months.
Mitred Archpriest Anatoliy Melnyk was granted the blessing and permission to establish a Mission Station in the Frost Village church in Shefford, Québec.
Rasophor Anne (Lavoie) was tonsured to the Mantiya with the name Séraphima.
Female Monk Séraphima (Lavoie) was attached at the Monastic Community of Saint Silouan the Athonite.
Altar-server Patrick Shabatowski was tonsured to be a Reader at the Sobor of Saint Herman of Alaska in Edmonton, Alberta.
Mitred Archpriest Michael Fourik was re-assigned to be Dean of the British Columbia and Yukon Deanery.
Archpriest Phillip Eriksson was re-assigned to be Dean of the Alberta and the Northwest Territories Deanery.
Priest Gregory Scratch was assigned to be Dean of the Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Nunavut Deanery.
Priest Geoffrey Korz was assigned to be Dean of the Ontario Deanery.
Archpriest Gregory Nimijean was re-assigned to be Dean of the Québec and Maritimes Deanery.
Mitred Archpriest Anatoliy Melnyk was re-assigned to be Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Canada.
Protodeacon Nazari Polataiko was re-assigned to be Secretary of the Archdiocese of Canada.
Mr. Nikita Lopoukhine was re-assigned to be to be Treasurer of the Archdiocese of Canada.
Deacon Sebastian Scratch was blessed to wear the Diaconal Double Orar.
Priest John Palmer was released from his attachment at the Church of Saint Vladimir, Prince of Kiev, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, as a Supply Priest of the Deanery of Québec and the Maritime Provinces.
Priest John Palmer was assigned to be Priest-in-charge of the Mission Station of the Holy Lady of Vladimir in Saint John’s, Newfoundland.
Archpriest John Tkachuk was released from all his responsibilities as Rector of the Church of the Sign of the Theotokos in Montréal, Québec.
Archpriest John Tkachuk was granted retirement.
Archpriest John Tkachuk was attached as Rector Emeritus at the Church of the Sign of the Theotokos in Montréal, Québec.
Archpriest Gregory Nimijean, in addition to his other duties, as Dean of the Québec and Maritimes Deanery, was assigned to be Priest-in-charge of the Church of the Sign of the Theotokos in Montréal, Québec for a term of six months until 1 March, 2014.
Deacon Sebastian Scratch was released from his assignment as Attached Deacon at the Cathedral of the Annunciation in Ottawa, Ontario.
Deacon Sebastian Scratch was attached as a Deacon at the Sobor of the Saint Herman of Alaska in Edmonton, Alberta.
The Mission of Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne in Cranbrook, British Columbia, was blessed to be served by the clergy of the Alberta and Northwest Territories Deanery.
Priest Andrew Applegate, in addition to his other duties, was assigned to be Priest-in-charge of the Mission of Saint Aidan of Lindisfarne in Cranbrook, British Columbia.
Hieromonk Silouan (Bourjeily), in addition to his other duties, was attached as Priest of the Church of Saint-Benoît de Nursie in Montréal, Québec.
The Monastery of Saint Silouan the Athonite in Spencerville, Ontario, was officially established as an incorporated entity of the Archdiocese of Canada, The Orthodox Church in America, with the official name, “The Monastery of Saint Silouan the Athonite”.
Deacon Kurt Edward Jordan was released from his assignment as Attached Deacon of the Church of Saint Herman in Langley, British Columbia.
Deacon Kurt Edward Jordan was attached as Deacon at the Church of Saint Vladimir, Prince of Kiev, in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Hierodeacon Phillip (Ptashnik) was released from his assignment as Attached Deacon of the Monastery of All Saints of North America in Dewdney, British Columbia.
Hierodeacon Phillip (Ptashnik) was granted the status of Unassigned Cleric.
Altar server Irenaeus (Bradley) Jersak was tonsured to be a Reader at the Monastery of All Saints of North America in Dewdney, British Columbia.
At the Divine Liturgy at the Three Hierarchs Chapel of Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, in Crestwood, New York, with the blessing of Metropolitan Tikhon (Mollard), Subdeacon Kyle (Kirill) Parrott was ordained to the Holy Diaconate.
Deacon Kyle (Kirill) Parrott was attached as Deacon to the Three Hierarchs Chapel of Saint Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary, in Crestwood, New York.
At the Divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of the Annunciation in Ottawa, Ontario, Subdeacon Justin Mitchell was ordained to the Holy Diaconate.
Deacon Justin Mitchell was attached as Deacon at the Church of Saint-Benoît de Nursie in Montréal, Québec.
The Sobor of the Holy Trinity in Winnipeg, Manitoba, was entrusted with the following 16 particles of the Holy Relics of the Venerable Fathers of the Kyiv Caves :
The Venerable Hieromonk Damian, the Healer ; The Venerable Athanasius, the Recluse ; The Venerable Igumen Nikon ; The Venerable Abramius, the Lover of Labour ; The Holy Bishop Ephraim of Pereyaslavl ; The Venerable John, the Faster ; The Venerable Elias of Murom ; The Venerable Zinon ; The Hieromartyr Kuksha, Enlightener of the Vyati ; The Venerable Prochorus, the Orach-eater ; The Venerable Nestor, the Chronicler ; The Venerable Hypatius, the Healer ; The New-hieromartyr Vladimir , Metropolitan of Kyiv ; The Venerable Great-Schema Monk Hilarion ; The Holy Bishop Laurence of Turov, the Recluse ; The Holy Bishop Niphon of Novgorod.
Monk Tikhon (Green) was released from his attachment at the Monastic Community of Saint Silouan the Athonite in Johnstown, Ontario.
Monk Tikhon (Green) was transferred to the Hermitage of Saint Elias in Dickie Bush, Alberta.
Igumen Gerasim (Power) was assigned to be Igumen of the Hermitage of Saint Elias in Dickie Bush, Alberta.
Archpriest Andrew Piasta was released from all his responsibilities as Rector of the Mission of Saint Andrew the First-called Apostle in Canora, Saskatchewan.
Archpriest Andrew Piasta was granted retirement.
Archpriest Andrew Piasta was attached as Rector Emeritus at the Mission of Saint Andrew the First-called Apostle in Canora, Saskatchewan.
Hieromonk Vladimir (Lysak), in addition to his other duties, was assigned to be Priest-in-charge of the Mission of Saint Andrew the First-called Apostle in Canora, Saskatchewan, for a term of six months.
Priest Vincent Lehr’s assignment as Priest-in-charge of the Sobor of Saint Herman of Alaska in Edmonton, Alberta was extended for another term of six months.
Priest Nicholas Young was released from all his responsibilities and duties as Attached Priest of the Sobor of Christ the Saviour in Toronto, Ontario.
Priest Nicholas Young was attached as Priest at the Mission of Saint Gregory of Nyssa in Kingston, Ontario.