Hosanna to the King

Priest-monk Seraphim (Storheim) : Homily
Hosanna to the King
Feast of Palm Sunday
12 April, 1987
Philippians 4:4-9 ; John 12:1-18

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Today, the Jewish people are escorting Jesus into Jerusalem. They are waving palm branches and branches of olive trees (we have pussy willows because there are no palm trees handy). They cry to Jesus : “Hosanna”. “Hosanna” is what was given for the king of Israel only. The people were sure that Jesus, who is coming, is going to be the King of Israel. He is going to make everything right. He is going to get rid of the Romans, who were occupying their country. A few days later, when they discover that Jesus, in fact, is not going to take over and boot out the Romans, they turn on Him and the Jewish people very much contribute to His Crucifixion on Friday. We will see this as we come to church this week and hear the readings from the Gospels day after day. We will see how the people (and even His own disciples) turn away from Him, desert Him, and wonder who He is.

Too many people have preconceived ideas about who Jesus is. They think that they can use Him to fit their own plans and make Him over into their own mould. They can use Jesus to suit their own purposes. The Jewish people at that time were soon to find out that they were very much mistaken. Jesus is more, much more than merely some sort of king, some sort of earthly ruler, some sort of person who is going to bring justice on the earth and make everything nice and warm and cozy and “at home”. Jesus is much greater than that. There is no such thing as an earthly king who can make everything right. It does not matter what political party we belong to or what ideals we hold in politics, whether we are socialists or conservatives : it does not make any difference. People are sinful, selfish and greedy, and no matter which political system we embrace, there is going to be at least some injustice. Political systems are no end in themselves. They only help us govern our country. They only help keep order.

What really matters is : Is there justice in my life ? Am I treating my brothers and sisters with justice ? Do I behave as God wants me to behave ? Do I treat all my brothers and sisters in this world as equals ? If I do not, I have no business saying anything about what happens in South Africa. I do not even have too much business complaining about the way the federal government treats the Inuit and the Aboriginals in this country unless I, myself, am ready to treat everyone as equal, as a child of God, no matter where we come from on earth.

Where does this fixation on an earthly kingdom in Jerusalem lead us now ? Contrary to expectations, the fact is that Jesus is not King of any ordinary kingdom. He is the Ruler of the Kingdom of Heaven which includes every creature that God makes, especially us, human beings. When God set about to save us human beings, He did not say that only the Jews are going to be saved. Even back in the Old Testament times, He never said that only Jews are going to be saved. He said that all the world would be saved through them because they were supposed to be an example (except they shut everyone out).

Therefore, God gave the Kingdom to us to spread the Gospel all around the world. Our ancestors who came from Russia did a very good job of that when they came to Alaska, and established the Church in Alaska. They converted all sorts of people there. Our ancestors in Russia were also very good at bringing Christianity to people in Kenya and in Persia. In fact, the mission that the Russians established in Kenya is still going on, and is nurtured within the Alexandrian Patriarchate with help from the Finnish Orthodox Church.

We have to be their legitimate spiritual children. Our behaviour in the world should be as theirs was only 100 years ago. The Russian missionaries would still be doing the same thing today if Alaska had not been sold and the Western government had not closed the door to Russian missionaries. The result of that closure was the need for the Aboriginal Orthodox to hold on tightly to Christ with very little spiritual support from human beings for over a century. What is this behaviour that we ought to emulate ? It is speaking with power about the joy and the life of Jesus Christ : the life that He gives us, and the ability to live with meaning, hope and power. We show that Jesus is Lord of all that is, and that He is able to take us out of our darkness and the dirt of our sins, and give us the ability to live a life that is positive, powerful, life-giving, and healing to other people. Jesus is the One who, as Lord of all creation, and Lord of our lives, heals broken hearts, heals broken relationships, brings forgiveness between people, restores everything to unity and gathers everything together. Earthly kingdoms separate, break up, and destroy. Greatly were the political Jewish people disappointed in Jesus Christ, because He did not come and establish that Israel that they thought would save the world. The Messianic Kingdom was going to keep everyone out and be stronger than anyone else. It was going to subdue the world. They were very greatly disappointed.

You and I are standing here today in the Temple of the Lord, in the New Jerusalem, which is the Kingdom of Heaven. Every time we stand together like this, we are gathered as the Body of Christ, and we are standing in the New Jerusalem. Are you and I going to be like those political Jewish people ? Are we going to be like our unfaithful spiritual forefathers ? Are we going to betray Christ ? Are we going to kill Him with the way we live ? Are we going to kill Him with our sins ? Are we going to kill Him some more by not forgiving other people, by hating, by holding grudges, by being like everyone else in the world ? Or are we going to be able truly to say : “‘Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord!’” Are we going to live as children of the true Kingdom, the Kingdom which has no earthly barriers amongst people ? There are no borders in Christianity. We are all one Body. We are all members of Christ. We are all citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. We are all sons and daughters of the King, and it is time we all behaved like that.

This coming week we are all going to be walking with Jesus as He walks toward the Cross, which He did voluntarily for our sake. No-one made Him do it. Only His love for us made Him do it. He offered Himself. He was killed. He rose on the third day. All this we are going to be celebrating during this coming week. Let us give ourselves to Him. Let us offer our lives to Him, and try to behave in love as citizens of that Kingdom so that we will never deny Him, never betray Him, and never give Him a kiss as Judas did. May we confess Him as the thief did : “Remember me, O Lord, in Your Kingdom” (see Luke 23:42). And in that heavenly Kingdom, may we with joy eternally bless the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages.