- Words at the Conclusion of the Archdiocesan Assembly (2010-07-30)
- The Foundation of the Orthodox Christian Way (2010-05-21)
- Catching and Teaching : Humility, Integrity, and a Christian Witness to the University (2009-10-20)
- Interview to Pravoslavnaya Beseda 2009
- Radio Interview in Yorkton, SK (2009)
- The Mission of the Archdiocese of Canada, Part 1 (2008)
- The Mission of the Archdiocese of Canada, Parts 2 & 3 (2008)
- Words at the Graduation Exercises of Saint Tikhon’s Orthodox Theological Seminary
- On the Choosing of a new OCA Metropolitan to succeed Metropolitan Herman
- World Day of Prayer for Christian Unity (2007-01-21)
- Outreach in a healthy Parish (2007-07-25-28)
- Youth Retreat : "Come and See" (2006-11-18)
- The whole Point is to serve Christ in our Life
- Developing and Maturing the Understanding of the Orthodox Tradition
- Words on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Ottawa Cathedral 2005-03-25
- Youth Retreat (2005-08-03)
- The Petrine Ministry and Orthodox Perception
- The Holy Spirit addressing Issues in Today’s World
- An Exchange of Gifts : Clear Communication in Love
- Canada, and the Future of The Orthodox Church in America
- The Foundation and the Future of Orthodox Christians in North America
- Words at the Graduation of Saint Vladimir's Seminary
- Orthodox Fundamentalism
- Assembly of Bishops (SCOBA) 2001
- The Local Church in the Understanding of the Orthodox
- Partakers of the Divine Nature : An Orthodox Christian Theological Consideration of Holy Communion, Parts 1 & 2
- Enthronement of the Right Reverend Seraphim
- Enthronement Reception Address
- Talks on Unity 1988, Parts 1-4
- Acceptance Address of Archimandrite Seraphim